Friday, February 10, 2012

Gallery page

I have had this marvelous idea for some time that I should try to get into the cake decorating (for profit) scene. As with many great ideas, it has taken much motivation, and decision making, and procrastinating, and worrying, and wondering. But I finally feel like it is time to at least dabble in the possibility a little more seriously. (said with an air of subtle lack of commitment). Right now my main hesitation is that with a 7 month old who has decided that he wants to pull himself up to standing on everything and then fall only to knock his head on the only hard thing within 2 feet, and the fact that I am currently not living in my own home and want to avoid taking over and messing up anything. I have decided to start a gallery on this site. If only to show what I can do and if someone happens to see my work and like it, awesome!